Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Climate Change from a PR perspective

From the moment the earth was formed it has been changing.  In terms of the age of the earth it is relatively young.  The world will one day end that much is inevitable, but we as the only species with the ability to think should help prolong this day.   As the world grows older the temperature of the Earth slowly increases.  Climate change is going to happen to the Earth naturally, however because of the way humans are choosing to live is greatly affecting and speeding up this process.  

The question that should be on everyone mind is how they can help and change a little bit of their lifestyle to increase the quality of the Earth.  What does this mean for a PR professional?

It means that that we should us our ability to communicate with the masses to get the word out on climate change and what people can do.  On almost every website of any organization that promote 'green' living there is a press or news room link.  Companies all around the world are trying to 'go green' and need pr pros to get the message out about their changes.  This summer I worked with Greenway Medical as pr writer.  They needed someone to write their press releases, PSAs and web material that covered their 'Going Green' campaign.  It was a great opportunity and one way that I was able to contribute to raising awareness about climate change.  

It is important to live eco-friendly and be environmentally conscience about how we our lifestyle affects others.  Not everyone has this attitude nor is educated in what is truly going on with the Earth.  It is our job as pr professionals to supply the outlets and information necessary for people to further understand about their environment and what they can do to help.  Climate change is going to continue to happen, but every little bit helps.  Just by participating in Blog Action Day I am already taking a step in the right direction in terms of raising awareness for climate change.  

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